Being in one position for a long period of time is actually whats causing your back to hurt. While traveling make some pit stops to the restooms, even if you dont have to go!! Do it to stretch and perhaps relieve tension in your muscles.Can riding in a rental car all day make your back hurt the next day??
yes, possibly
it all depends on how strong your back offense.
if i rode in a car all day my legs would hurt, but thats just me.
so maybe for you your back hurts.
I think riding in ANY car could cause back pain when you are in it that long.
Being confined %26amp; Keeping your body in any certain position, in any situation, would/ could cause pain in your body.
Could be......I had a rental for a month while mine was at the body shop. The other insurance company rented me a Nissan Sentra, my back hurt while driving it. It could of been the seat design in what car you had rented. Once I got my car back, mine felt better. Better seats and more comfy.
YES! because your back muscles are in a stationary position. Being in any car for a good length of is always good to get out and literally stretch your back or walk around for at least 5 minutes.
Riding in ANY car all day can do that. You should get out and bend and stretch every few hours.
Riding in any car for a whole day can make your back stiffen up. It doesn't matter if it's a rental or not.
Did you lift anything...I'm sure the rental is just like any other car... You might of just strained yourself getting in and out of it, if you big and the cars tiny though...
some cars are tougher on the back than others. had the cutest darned rental once, convertible, boy was i happy to have my own car back
No, a rental car cannot do that. Possibly you are used to your own car, and when you had the rental car, the seats were different. Maybe the lumbar support?
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